My beginnings as an author come from a story I made up for our niece’s two boys, Charlie and Oliver, while we were on holiday in Queensland. Every night before going to bed they wanted to hear ‘Olly the Whale’. Fast forward 5 years, and, after lots of “Yes we should make a book!” it finally came into being. I have been a Home Lending Specialist for over 30 years. I love family, sport, especially quoits (just kidding) and am told I have a unique sense of humour. I have recently discovered acrylic painting and have been lucky enough to sell some!

I have always loved art. I grew up on a farm and when I was about 5 years old, I began drawing my father’s Clydesdale horses. In early 2017 I had to give up work due to a leg injury and this gave me the opportunity to go back to my art. With lots of encouragement from members of the Woodend Art Group I produced a small book ‘A Cute Mouse and the 7 Deadly Cheeses’. I then decided Olly the Whale was ready to be born! Minnie Granny Books has become my passion, along with my love of animals which has led to my second job – Pet Sitting!

Starting Minnie Granny Books has been a life changing event for me. We all know the saying “When one door closes, another one opens”. In 2017, I was forced to finish my career in schools and found I had to re-invent myself. I’ve had a lesson in being resilient and following what really matters to you in life. We hope our books and website help you and your children on your paths too.